fairchildemploymentlaw Expert San Diego Race Employment Law - Fairchild Employment Law

Race Discrimination

How To Identify and Prove Race Discrimination in the Workplace

San Diego Race Employment Law

Searching for an Expert San Diego Race Employment Law to help fight for your rights? Let the legal experts at Fairchild Employment Law work in your corner, NOW!

Race discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee differently because of that employee’s race or ethnicity.

Expert San Diego Race Employment Law  Race discrimination can be proven via direct evidence, such as derogatory or racist remarks about the employee’s race. Circumstantial evidence may include replacement by an employee of a different race, failure to follow policies applicable to the employee, false or illogical reasons for the employee’s termination, or evidence the employer discriminated against other employees of the same race. 

What Can I Recover In A Race Discrimination Case?

An employee that brings a race discrimination claim is entitled to recover all lost wages and earnings incurred because of the discriminatory conduct. This includes both past earnings and those that will be lost in the future. An employee is also entitled to monetary compensation for mental suffering, anxiety, humiliation, and emotional distress, as well as possible punitive damages to deter the employer from engaging in similar conduct in the future.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

If you feel you have been discriminated against on the basis of race or ethnicity, reach out to FEL today for a free consultation at (619) 306-1454 or inquiry@fairchildemploymentlaw.com.